Thursday, March 6, 2008

Challenge 4

This is a LO about what I have been trying to tell my 6yo Jeremy since my diagnosis. He isn't dealing with it very well. His grandpa died a few months before I started having problems. His grandpa wasn't sick, he just went into the hospital for a simple procedure and died 3 weeks later. Jeremy has become obsessive about a lot of things as a way to deal with his stress.

Journaling reads: I am so sorry for all of the extra stress you have in your life. Your life, at age 6, should be more free of worry than it is. I’m sorry that you worry about me so much. I want you to know that I will be OK, and so will you.There will be some challenges ahead, but we will get thru them as a family. It is OK to tell me you are worried or scared or angry. I get worried and scared and angry, too. I want you to know that Mommy isn’t going die from MS. I won’t be going to live with Grandpa in Heaven anytime soon.MS will make some things harder for me, but I will still be around to see you grow up. I love you so much Jeremy. You bring joy to me daily.

Kit used-My Favorite Boys by JillDZines, purchased at Gotta Pixel, font Brisk

I guess this wraps both of us up for the week, unless they do another bonus challenge. We will see you next week.

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